We Nitrogen Flush all of our coffee when bagging for an inert shelf stable environment by locking freshness inside for up to 6 weeks prior to opening
Mill: Chelchele
Region: Chelchele Village, Kochere, Yirgacheffe
Varietals: Heirloom Varietals
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1800 masl
This coffee comes from the Chelchele washing station, which is in the kebele, or village, of Chelchele, in the words, or district, of Kochere, in the Yirgacheffe region.
This lot was processed as a traditional Natural process. Coffee was picked ripe, hand sorted and laid out to dry in tact on raised beds at the mill whilst be carefully attended to daily to rotate the drying coffee as well as pick out defective cherries.
Until recently, coffee grown by smallholders and co-ops in Ethiopia were required to be sold through the ECX, where lots were classified by general region, quality (Grade 1–5), and escaped of most of their traceability. In March of 2017, the prime minister of Ethiopia approved a reform allowing co-operatively owned washing stations to export their coffee directly, which allows for separation of top coffee lots, higher prices for farmers, and increased recognition for the best quality coffees in Ethiopia.
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