We Nitrogen Flush all of our coffee when bagging for an inert shelf stable environment by locking freshness inside for up to 6 weeks prior to opening
Farm: Gera Estate Washing Station
Region: Jimma, Limu
Varietal: Heirloom Varietals and JARC 74110, 74112, 74165, 74158
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1860 - 1990 masl
This washed lot is made up of coffees grown and processed in the ‘kebele’ (town or village) of Gera, in the ‘woreda’ (administrative district) of Gera, in Ethiopia’s Jimma Zone. The coffee was processed at Gera Washing Station, which produces both washed and natural lots under the watchful eye of operations manager, Tkelu Gebrie. The washing station is part of a 500 hectare coffee farm owned by Tracon Trading. This family-run exporting company manages quality control and operations at the estate, and prepares the resulting parchment for export at an impressive dry milling facility in Addis Ababa.
This lot is made up of coffee grown at Gera Estate, along with freshly picked cherry from some 350 local coffee growers. The majority of the families who contributed to this lot farm organically on tiny plots of land, which average just 2.4 hectares in size. Coffee is their main cash crop and grows alongside food crops of corn, grain and bananas, under the shade of native Birbira, Wanza, and Acacia trees. The average elevation of the farms in this region is quite high – around 1,800–2,000m above sea level – and this, combined region’s cool temperatures, is ideal for the slow ripening of coffee cherries, leading to denser beans and a sweeter, more complex cup profile.
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